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Faith Dorothy

It all started with a chat between Atsu Sikanku and Faith Dorothy Ahurira on the Instagram live event hosted by Atsu (@redscorpiongh). It was promoted to support the development of female gamers in Uganda.

Esports Africa Tournament provided the prize pool  to support the event. Faith, through her efforts, pulled tighter other local resources to make the event a success. Local partners included Dr. Kims’ Gamers’ Hub, Game Studio Akamwesi and Arudem.

On the day, 9th March 2024 eight (8) girls who had either never played competitively or not engaged with other gamer girls who made it to the venue. The day started with FIFA23 and Mortal Kombat 11 games, with participation by Laura Dembe, Zoei Mugumya, Nakiwala Arithea, Namukasa Ritah, Sharon Lillian, Barbara Apili, Agatha Ampurire and Faith Dorothy Ahurira. Three video game titles were competed in with Agatha Ampurire emerging winner in the FIFA 23 category, Sharon Lillian in the Mortal Kombat category, and Zoei Mugumya in the Call of Duty Mobile category.

At the event were some supporters and partners including Dr. Kim’s Gamers’ Hub, Game Studio, Akamwesi, and Arudem.

There were some male gamers about to support the event, some even tried to challenge the females to their games, making it a good vibrant community.

The event was scheduled to coincide with International Women’s Day 2024 celebrating women’s inclusion and development in all sectors including esports, game development, and animation.

Gaming and esports in Uganda are growing in leaps, there are many success stories including individual gamers and teams participating in international eSports competitions like the FNCS 2024, Swahili Esports Champions, and the launching of Uganda’s first-ever exclusive eSports organization, Arudem.

Faith Dorothy has created a community of female gamers called Gamer Girls Uganda (GGU) and with support from current partners and Atsu Sikanku, is looking to build an even bigger community of female gamers focusing on empowering them to pursue careers in Gaming and STEM.

FaithDorothy Ahurira is the Women in Games ambassador in Uganda and a Software Product Manager with a passion for gaming and supporting women in the industry.

Esports Africa Tournament provides opportunities for collaborative esports and edu-gaming events across the continent.

Esports Africa News is the main media organization for the promotion and spotlighting of esports, game development, and animation in Africa and about Africans in the diaspora.

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