Bragging rights won at EAG FIFA 22 Battle

The battleground was the Lethawood Pub & Grill in Madina, Accra. The date was July 8, 2022. The competition was the Esports Association, Ghana (EAG) and AllGamesGH‘s FIFA 22 Battle.
The competition, which was played on the Sony PlayStation (PS) 5 console, saw 16 warriors enter the arena, but only 8 came out with the bragging rights, with the remaining having to take the dreaded walk of shame.
The arena saw victories for B.Boy who defeated Rastafari, Gustavo claimed victory over Mountain-HI, and Fakhulty’s victory would see Waggle take the walk of shame.

The FIFA Battle has been a long-standing event of the EAG and AllGamesGH, which kicked off back in 2018 with Benjamin Asamoah and Michael Wentum battling it out at Paloma, with the second game between Nii Saki and Cunnison taking place 3 months later.
The competition according to an interview I had with EAG President, Kwesi Hayford back in 2019 was to create content and throw more light on the growing Ghanaian esports space.
“The one aspect we haven’t been very good with is content creation, live streaming is an essential part of esports and unfortunately that content creation hasn’t been seen and because of that a lot of people don’t know us, a lot of people don’t see what is happening in Ghana and Africa.”
“So that is what I am trying to champion.” the President of the EAG, Kwesi Hayford further stated