In the realm of Call of Duty Mobile Esports, the African region has frequently been underrepresented. From expressing their views...
In the realm of Call of Duty Mobile Esports, the African region has frequently been underrepresented. From expressing their views...
The remarkable expansion and burgeoning interest in esports across Africa demand more attention. Over the past year, numerous African esports...
Esports, game development, and the Esports World Cup are phrases that are becoming increasingly common in conversations within various communities...
The Ghana esports Federation in accordance with GeSF's road map of delivering esports in Ghana formally announce their recognition by...
There is no justification for such behaviour, whether it stems from passion, pressure, or pure joy. The prevalence of toxicity...
The buzz and razzmatazz oozing from the very packed room, with spontaneous shouts and cheering! This is the Community Echampionship...
Newzoo, the leading provider of PC and console games market engagement and revenue data, released its highly anticipated second annual...
"Destiny is not written for us, but by us" - Barack Obama Project Destiny was Bravado Gaming’s first foray at...
This past weekend, the 9th of March 2024, at the MTC Innovation Center at the NUST HTTPS Building, NESA hosted...
A leading UK consultancy firm, celebrated for its impact on esports and education, is excited to announce a significant sponsorship...