Hamed & van der Colf elected onto IeSF’s Athletes’ Commission

International Esports Federation (IeSF) originally launched its Athletes’ Commission in the Hilton Hotel in Shanghai in 2016, the Athletes’ Commission was instrumental in ensuring the rights and interests of athletes were always taken into account at IeSF’s Board.
From 2016 to 2020, South Africa was represented on the Commission, and now, with the election of Armand van der Colf, South Africa is once again represented on the Commission.
Being elected onto the Athletes’ Commission is a great achievement for the young Tuks university student. Not only is Armand able to bring the concerns of athletes directly to IeSF’s Board, but he is able to see the very inner workings of IeSF and gain a clearer understanding of international championships.
Those elected onto IeSF’s Athletes’ Commission are:
Alejandro Alguacil Segura (Spain)
Sergei Platòv (Team IESF)
Tiffani Lim (Malaysia)
Waleed Mohammad Balouch (Bahrain)
Neyen Arjona Tennerini (Argentina)
Gabriel Pinheiro de Morais (Brazil)
Hend Mohamed Hamed (Egypt)
Armand Pierre van der Colf (South Africa)