Leti Arts to partake in Capacity Building Workshop

Trojan Horse was a Unicorn(THU) announced on Monday that they would be hosting a virtual seminar for creatives from diverse industries and backgrounds in April and Leti Arts are bound on honoring this invitation.
In a Linked In Post, Leti Arts shared a post and captioned “It all starts with a chance for life-changing moments! As a studio member of the Gamers Association Ghana (GAG, We see it as a priority to work with community building for the digital entertainment sector because it can be a crucial first step for anyone looking to develop their skills and potential.”
“THU’s career camp is a 72-hour online event for digital creators, and we are pleased to be part of this. Please do not keep this, but rather share it! Don’t forget to pass it up!”
THU also shed light on its background on their website, “We are made up of creators from all areas of the digital entertainment & interactive industry. We all have different backgrounds, career goals, and dreams, so each of us adds something unique to the Tribe.”
According to them they became fascinated by the idea of building a community of creators and a platform where they could share knowledge, inspire, and empower each other and they still are.
“We’re proud to have a Tribe of down-to-earth people who share a passion for creativity and root for each other.”
“It is well known that the word “community” gets thrown around a lot and overused words often lose meaning, so here’s our take on it: being a part of the Tribe means helping each other, growing together, and embracing vulnerability and empathy.” the statement concluded.
Interested applicants are encouraged to access this link to register; https://www.trojan-unicorn.com/career-camps/career-camp-2023-spring-edition