2023 Safer Internet Day Targets The African Child

Safer Internet Centre (SIC) Ghana in collaboration with ITU Regional Office in Africa earlier this month launched the 2023 ‘Safer Internet Day’ (SID) as part of the European Union Better Internet for Kids (BIK) programme.
As one of this year’s annual flagships programmes from the center, this year’s event set eyes on empowering African children to learn and maximise the use of Interenet while incorporating safety practises.
According to a press release from the organisers, “Being one of the three coordinating organizations on the programme in Africa we are happy to inform you of the launch and celebration of the 2023 Africa Safer Internet Day (ASID), scheduled for Wednesday, 1st and Thursday, 7th February 2023 consecutively,”
“The day is celebrated in collaboration with major stakeholders including parents, government, and Civil Society Organizations to raise awareness on the emerging digital and online issues that influence the experiences of children and young people in Africa.”
During last year’s edition of the Safer Internet Forum (#SIF2022), participating institutions from 10 African countries agreed that this year’s edition should focus on capacity building. Thus the sub-theme “Empowering the African Child on Safer Internet.”
The statement addded that, “We are doing a lot locally to support the slogan of SID 2023, “Together For A Better Internet”. With the goal of each participating country/organization to target 5000 people, the following interventions have been planned; School outreach sessions, Community Outreach sessions, Media outreach events, Parents forum, Policy dialogue, Industry showcase and incoprorate Youthful voices.”
“Also in regards to the 20th anniversary of SID, we can acknowledge the fact that Europe has gone a long way to get to where she is today and we can count Africa lucky to be getting involved and not have to do 20 years to be better rather learn from the acceptable practice of Europe in order to improve.”
The aim of the SIC+ programme among other things, is to promote the development and implementation of innovative actions to increase the participation of third-country organizations in online safety initiatives and best practices, in particular education programmes and awareness-raising campaigns, as well as helpline and hotline services, while identifying possible areas for exchange and mutual learning.