New Infamous game in development?

Last year (2021) rumours of a new entry in PlayStation’s (PS) Infamous series began to heat up claiming that Sony was looking to bring back the series in some capacity in the future and according to reports from Twitter account AccountNGT – who previously had accurate scoops related to other upcoming video games – an Infamous game is being developed.
“Even with some delays for some console exclusives, it should be a great year for PlayStation players, with the announcement and release of some PlayStation IPs that does their return. A new event is definitely planned this month and they won’t be announcing all their surprises.” the account stated, “I can corroborate that a new Sly Cooper and a new Infamous are in development.”
The report however didn’t go into any details as to whether the game would build upon the previous instalments or would be a straight-up reboot of the entire franchise as has been seen in recent times. AccountNGT also didn’t reveal whether the series’ developer Sucker Punch Productions would be involved in the game’s development in any way.
The Infamous series has largely been dormant for the better part of the past decade with the last entry in the series released all the way back in 2014 with Infamous: Second Son.